Monday, May 11, 2009

Before Sunrise/Before Sunset

Both of these movies have such a fond place in my heart. I am such a geekess that I have even read the screenplays because the beautiful draw of the films are the honesty of the conversations. The great writing, the European scenery and the intimate connection between two strangers make me crazy in love with these movies, but there is also a different connection that I feel with the characters. (Note: the basis of the two films surrounds two people that meet on a train to Vienna and spend a night together and plan to meet again months later)

I suppose I will divulge my story....I was on a crowded train from a small town on the Eastern coast of Spain going to Barcelona and I locked eyes with a handsome brunette. There were no words exchanged, it was a simple moment of eyes meeting and that feeling of "I would like to know him". The moment passed and I did not see him again. I got off the train in Barcelona to explore the city and find a place to stay. Later that day, I was walking with my friends and came upon the same guy from the train. He stopped and gestured like he knew me and we spoke for a moment about previously being on the same train, what we were doing, where we were going, etc . Then we went our seperate ways once again. Yes, it may sound like a trite memory, but for years after that trip I thought about those moments. It was more than a quick gaze on the train and the fact that we came upon each other on the streets of Barcelona is crazy. Perhaps he was supposed to be in my life in some way. Maybe if I had insisted on talking to him at greater lengths we would still share a friendship today. Since that is not the case, I have a neat memory of sharing a few moments with a stranger that felt more than coincidental. I am positive that everyone has moments in their life that feel contrived by a higher power, showing us the beauty of human connection.

Post Script: In order to write honestly about myself, I have to include parts from my entire life...before husband, before kids, etc. So, please know that no human feelings were harmed in the writing of this, my husband knows that I wouldn't change our life for a second and he also understands the curiousness of human nature to ask , "What if?".

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