Monday, February 16, 2009

Top Ten...Movie Monday

Happy Monday! I have had a real problem coming up with interesting blog posts, so that is why a lot of times I do not blog at all- lack of creativity. This weekend I decided to start brainstorming on my top ten lists of books, movies, TV, etc. It is quite hard to quantify favorites, but I gave it my best shot and wanted to share.

Today will be dedicated to movies. Let me start by saying that I am not a huge movie watcher. I love a good movie just like the next person, but I do not go to the movies very often and sometimes it is hard to take two hours out of the day to sit in front of a DVD. I am the type of person that has paid a ton of money in late fees for movies that I never got around to watching. I have one basic qualifier to narrow down my list: it has to be a movie that I would watch again and again. There are tons of wonderful movies out there, like Titanic, Forrest Gump, etc.; but after seeing them a few times, I'm done. I'll shut up now and get on with it.

In no particular order:
  1. Pretty Woman I don't think that one needs an explanation, it's just good
  2. Pulp Fiction So many great lines and you can watch it again and again and catch something you missed the last time
  3. Roman Holiday A classic from 1953 with Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck
  4. Romeo and Juliet I love Zeffirelli's version from 1968 and always though Olivia Hussey was so beautiful in the movie. Baz Luhrman's version from 1996 was plain genius as well.
  5. Dirty Dancing It pulls at my nostalgic heart strings taking me back to 1987.
  6. Once A love story set during a week in Dublin...wonderful music.
  7. Before Sunrise & Before Sunset Although they are two movies, they follow the same characters and are full of raw dialogue.
  8. Mamma Mia I actually saw this twice at the theatres, so you know it must be good.
  9. Juno Ellen Page is so darn funny in this movie.
  10. Pride and Prejudice I love the Keira Knightley version

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